The trustees meet regularly. They assess our finances and the known needs and then seek to use the money wisely and without holding onto excessive reserves. We have clear criteria in our grant making and employment policies to ensure we stick to our aims.
North Carlisle Christian Ministry’s grants are to help with the costs which a church or other Christian group may incur in growing and developing their ministry. They are given to bodies which are engaged in Christian ministry in accordance with our Statement of Faith. Our priority is the north Carlisle area.
To help the trustees consider your application, please supply the information needed on the Application Form.
North Carlisle Christian Ministry’s grants are to help with the costs of training individuals from the north Carlisle area engaged in or who expect to be engaged in Christian ministry in accordance with our Statement of Faith.
We also consider support for people from north Carlisle in gospel ministry working elsewhere, and back-up help for ministry in north Carlisle.
To help the trustees consider your application, please supply the information needed on the Application Form.